1. Can you drill in an existing well? No, it is not feasible to drill in an existing well. It isn't possible to line up a drilling rig over an existing well and drill down the hole without damaging the existing casing and screen. It would not be possible to also adhere to all the state and regional specifications for proper well construction.
2. How long does it take to drill a well? Most domestic wells can be drilled within one day. Depending on the size and application purpose of the well it can take a few days to drill the well. After the well has been drilled and the gallons per minute can be determined, we recommend a pump that will handle the water amounts and pressure for purpose of the well.
3. How often and what is the procedure for cholorinating a private well? Most wells need a cholorine treatment at least once a year. However, there are areas where the water quality is poor and well performance could be improved if treated twice a year or as often as needed. The following is a guideline for treating most domestic sized wells. Remove the well cap and pour in approximately 1 to 2 gallons of chlorine (bleach) depending on the water volume in well. Put a hose in the well and run the water for 8-10 minutes to mix the chlorine with the well water. Put the cap back on and open all the faucets in your house and hydrants until you smell the chlorine. Then shut off all the running water and let the mixture set for at least 12 hours (do not use any well water during this time). Then turn on the faucets again and let the water run until there is no longer a smell of chlorine. After normal use for a few days you should have the water checked for any coliform bacteria or other contaminates such as nitrates. You should boil all drinking water or use bottled water until you have a good water test result. Newly constructed wells can be contaminated during the construction process and should be disinfected before being used.
4. Can a well be below ground level or in a basement? No, it is against State regulations to construct a well below ground level. A well must be completed 12" or more above ground level or flood stage.
5. Are we required to have a permit for a well? In almost all counties in Kansas a permit is required. Contact us or your local county health department for details.
6. Are geothermal systems really efficient for heating and cooling? Peterson Irrigation, Inc. has been drilling geothermal for approximately 20+ years. It has been proven to be one of the most effective and ecologically friendly systems. Please contact us for brochures and information regarding the various types of geothermal systems.